
This He Steps Overcome Waste Wise

When Moms and Dads want to change wasteful behavior, there's no harm in following the way of wise use of money ala the financial planner Aidil Akbar Madjid, MBA CFE CFP RFC Rifa, Managing Partner / Senior Advisor to the Akbar's Financial Check Up.

Learn tips & tricks, yuk!

1. Distinguish between wants and needs.

2. When you receive an immediate income budget according to the needs of their posts. Suppose, first for savings, investment, followed by other expenditures.

3. Maximum 30 percent of the total mortgage amount (mortgage, credit cards, car payments, installment motorcycle, or other installment-payment) of their salary.

4. Saving and investing a minimum of 15 percent, ideally 25-30 percent (eg, precious metals, mutual funds). When investing, put money on products that are not irrevocable.

5. Avoid extravagant pair of information about the amount of money available. Make money as if it was up to the posts at the beginning that can not be contested.

6. Before going to the mall or to meet friends anywhere, try to fill the stomach first. When at the mall will have to eat would not be as much as an empty stomach.

7. If the waste is very acute, it helps couples to consult with financial planners.

8. Beware of the components "leak fine" as the love of money to the singers, garbage, parking fees, vouchers, washing hair in the salon, hair painting, wedding invitations. "Leaking fine" is something that is not much need to be done but if the count is calculated frequencies can be very large.

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